Friday, October 10, 2008

Power of google query

Google query

fallowing shots will show the power of google query..

Google advanced operators help refine searches.
They are included as part of the standard Google Query.
Advanced operators use syntax such as the following:


There’s no space between the operator, the colon, and the search term!

intitle: - Search page title
inurl: - Search URL
site: - limit results to a specific site
link: - other sites that link to our subject
inanchor: - search within hyperlinks
filetype: - Starting to see a patern yet?

Advanced Operators: “Filetype:”
–Filetype: extension_type
–Find documents with specified extensions
–The supported extensions are:

HyperText Markup Language (html)
Microsoft PowerPoint (ppt)
Adobe Portable Document Format (pdf)
Microsoft Word (doc)
Adobe PostScript (ps)
Microsoft Works (wks, wps, wdb)
Lotus 1-2-3
(wk1, wk2, wk3, wk4, wk5, wki, wks, wku)
Microsoft Excel (xls)
Microsoft Write (wri)
Lotus WordPro (lwp)
Rich Text Format (rtf)
MacWrite (mw)
Shockwave Flash (swf)
Text (ans, txt)